Our Gardening Adventures
Battling the weather, the bushfires, the bugs, the rodents and all the rest of the things that want to share our garden with us, unfortunately, they don’t like to leave anything behind, I’d be happy to share if there was still some left for us!
Year One!
When we first moved onto our property, it was just bushland we cleared about 1000sqm in an effort to have space for the building some gardens, chicken pens etc, but we didn’t really know what we were doing at this stage either, or how much (or little) space that would be, we didn’t know a great deal about the native trees and wildlife and we were flying by the seat of our pants!
That first year we had a small green house with some garden beds we had already had and brought from our previous place and had rigged up in a way that felt like it might give us some food, and it did! a small amount, but we had some success nonetheless.
Stage Two!
Learning and growing
We realised that first year that we were going to need more growing space, we also realised that growing in a poly tunnel that couldn’t be opened was not going to work in the climate we were living for the whole year, it worked wonderfully initially, but once the true heat of summer hit, not so much.
Next step was basically to replicate the tunnel, but on a larger scale, and with shadecloth instead of poly. We also went slightly fancy, taking inspiration from the internet, and did keyhole style beds to give access and more growing space (that was the theory anyway!)
We did have a large storm hit late in the season that impacted the hoop house, but the nature of it meant that it was fairly easy to repair and continue to use!

My new Mantra
Over these years we have learnt many things, but one of the main things we learned was that forward movement doesn’t necessarily mean getting it right.
I know that isn’t the case for many, but for us, in this time of our lives, with many small children, new skills being attained and a whole new lifestyle being instigated, forward movement is far more important than ‘Perfection’